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Legos, it’s common nature

If I learnt anything from listening to Tool’s Lateralus, it’s that nature’s spiral makes great music! Nature is in the business of building resilient systems – cuts heal, bone repair, tails regrow, sickness is beaten. Additionally, as long as the delicate balance is maintained, it also attempts to scale optimally – trees reach for the sky, rivers expand, cells replicate. I think it’s just math, specifically the Fibonnaci (fettuccine?) sequence, also known as the representation of the golden ratio. Here we have these real-time systems that work very well given the constraints of planet earth. So naturally my question is whether this could be replicated in software systems, and if so, is there any value to that?

My kid built up a Concorde model airplane ONLY from legos. And that wasn’t it, he built the Taj Mahal, a star wars attack tank, a zoo-filled set of animals (tigers, birds, octupi) – all from legos.

In software systems, I see “modules” as the lego bricks. As long as the balance is maintained, you can build anything you want, fairly quickly and also adjust just as quickly as you move along. It can possibly also be fun along the way, just like legos (if you’re into that sort of thing)


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